Thursday, October 23, 2014

I know it is time for another post, but it is hard to know what to write. . .

On the positive side, I started my new job at the Major County FSA Office.  I am on my third week there.  It is a STEEP learning curve and working for the government kind of freaks me out.  But, I am slowly learning and catching on to a few more things. It has been a good job so far and I am thankful to have it.

We continue to be in "wait" mode.  Darren had a phone call about a week ago about some possible opportunities way up north.  I can't say we're very excited about the possibility of moving that far up north again, but are trying to remain open to what God wants for us.  Please pray with us as these are not firm options . . . the phone call was more exploratory in nature at this point.

We are kind of in a pattern of existence right now.  We all get up in the morning, go to work/school.  Kylie comes home and does homework all evening.  I come home and paint (we are painting the outside of the house as part of our rental agreement) until dark.  We eat supper and I help Kylie with homework the rest of the evening.  Darren comes home at various times in there . . . later now during planting season . . . and crashes for the rest of the evening.  So, not too exciting or much to tell. 

It is easy to get discouraged and have a pity party.  Yet, we don't have to look far to realize how fortunate we really are.  We love each other and have family that loves and cares for us.  We have food to eat, a roof over our heads, clothes to wear, and our health.  But I will be honest it takes effort to focus on the positives and not the negatives.  That could be a specific way you could pray for us during this time of waiting.

As Isaiah 55:8 says, "For my ways are not your ways, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. 

Our timing is not His timing.  We appreciate your continued prayers and interest in our lives.

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