But, I will bring you up-to-date on where we are with life . . .
Kylie started school in Fairview on August 21st. We waited until the last minute for God to do a miracle, but finally enrolled her on August 19th. I never would have dreamed that one of my children would be a Fairview Yellowjacket. In fact, if you would have told Mandi Hiett and Kylie that they would be going to Fairview High School together ten years ago, they both would have laughed at you! But, God must have a plan and a purpose not only for Mandi at Fairview High School, but also for Kylie right now.
(For those of you who don't know Mandi Hiett, she is my cousin's daughter. She was in California and her dad came to Fairview two years ago to be the pastor at Fairview MB.)
Kylie misses her friends in Cimarron as well as volleyball, since volleyball isn't offered at many schools in Oklahoma. But Kylie is making the best of a difficult situation and decided to go out for softball. She didn't join the team to "play" softball, but merely to be a part of the team and to get to know some girls. She is perfectly content to sit in the dugout with the other girls and not play!
Kylie with 2nd Cousin, Mandi Hiett
We have been so proud of Kylie and her attitude through all of this. She is lonely, as Fairview schools (like most small towns) are not real welcoming of new students . . . especially in high school. Thankfully she has Mandi and a couple of other girls from church that do a few things together, although none of them are juniors like Kylie. Since Kylie is a junior, she is already getting in on fund raisers for the Jr/Sr Banquet/Prom. She is having to sell mums for Homecoming, which has been a tradition here since I was in high school, although the flowers are no longer real, but fake.
Darren has continued to work on the farm, but they are running out of work for him to do and will not need him once they begin planting, which is in the next few weeks. So, he has been looking for other employment. He will most likely go to work for another farmer next week, although that hasn't been confirmed yet. Jobs in small towns that pay more than minimum wage are not real plentiful!
Church Update
In the last post, I mentioned that Darren had resumes in at 2 churches - one in Woodland Park, Colorado, and one at a church here in Oklahoma. Well, we have heard nothing from Woodland Park except that they received his resume. He has had a little contact with the church in Oklahoma and finally talked personally with the senior pastor there today. While Darren felt positive about the conversation, it sounds like it will not be a quick process. This was a brand new position when Darren learned about it and the church hasn't even seen a job description yet. They are presenting it to the congregation on Sept. 7. They still have to do interviews and candidating and once someone candidates, they wait 2 weeks before the church votes. So . . . it could still be quite a while before this would materialize, IF it even materializes. So, we continue to WAIT . . . TRUST . . . PRAY . . . and SEEK THE LORD'S WILL.
We are still "camping out" in the campers. However, we have been contemplating moving into a little 2 bedroom, 1 bath rental house in town that has been offered to us at a very reasonable rate. In light of the conversation with the church today, I believe we will begin the process of cleaning the house and moving in sometime in the next few days. It will not be an easy task as we have things in the campers, things at my parents' house, and we will have to go through and pick and choose things out of the semi trailer. BUT, we will finally be able to have the stuff we are using at one location and have some of the stuff we've been needing that is somewhere inside the truck. It will give us a little stability, that is much needed by some of us (ahem, me!) It will also give us a chance to air out our stuff from being in the trailer as it all smells heavily of mothballs! (Gotta look for the positives!)
Sherry (I) began a new job this week. After school started, I decided to turn in my substitute teacher application. Although Oklahoma sub pay is pathetic compared to Kansas, I decided little pay was better than no pay. I've debated about applying for a job in the past, but who would want to hire someone who couldn't tell them how long they would be around . . . So, I decided subbing was my best bet to bring in some income.
Well, after I turned in my application, they called me and asked me if I wanted to work all this week at the elementary school. They had a flood of kids when school started and needed help and were still figuring out what/how they were going to manage them all. They had 75 kindergarteners and over 60 first graders and were scrambling. So, I agreed to work this week. For those of you that know me, elementary kids are a stretch for me, being trained in secondary education. But, I figured I could survive a week. I asked if I was subbing or a para or what I was doing. They said they didn't really know, maybe a combination of both, but to show up at 8:00 Monday morning and they'd tell me what to do. I was terrified I'd get stuck in kindergarten.
Well, I showed up Monday morning and the principal took me around introducing me to others as a teacher's aide that was going to be helping for a little while. He left me in 1st grade to "float" between the classes. So, I felt my way around that first day "floating" between 1st grade classrooms and ended up there all week. The teachers are excellent and exhibit an enormous amount of patience and calmness with these little folks. Yesterday, the principal approached me and offered me a full-time temporary job. They have a 1/2 time 3rd grade teacher who is having a baby and due on September 12th. He asked if I would like to teach her class in the mornings and then be an aide in the afternoons. I went in and helped in her classroom today and within an hour wanted to run away! That just isn't my cup of tea. While I would like to help them out and the pay/benefits would be nice, I don't think my nerves could handle it right now given our situation. So, I kindly told him "no." At this point, I am going back to continue working with the 1st graders next week. We are kind of going on a week by week basis.
I have also turned in my application at our local FSA office who has been advertising for a temporary position. It would pay a lot better . . . so, we'll see how the Lord leads.
With school starting and fall programs starting, we are trying to plug in here a bit. I joined a ladies Bible study this week that is doing Beth Moore's newest, "Children of the Day" which is a study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians. I believe there is a men's Bible study starting in the next few weeks that Darren will most likely check out as well.
I will admit that we are asking God a lot of questions. Darren and Kylie have both done much better at staying positive and having a good attitude. I am trying, but the living conditions are taking its toll on this Type A personality. I appreciate each and every one of you that are praying for us. That is the only thing that is carrying me along some days. The break has been great for Darren and just what he needed. He is doing much better and ready to get back into ministry (Praise the Lord!). So . . . why isn't God allowing it yet?!?!?! Someday, we may know, but for right now, we just have to continue to trust that God has a plan in His upper story that we cannot see right now. We are trying to make the best of our situation and want to honor Him through it all.
Thanks for your interest in our lives and reading this blog . . .
P.S. My eyes are doing better overall. I am putting steroid drops in them each morning and wearing my contacts 8-10 hours a day. Not my 12-16 hour days, but better than nothing! I am thankful they are doing much better and feel confidant in the care of my optometrist here.