Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 4, 2014

Just a quick update . . . we are in the midst of harvest in Oklahoma.  We had rain Sunday evening and that stopped us for Monday, but got rolling again on Tuesday.  We have one full day of wheat harvest left and one day of canola harvest . . . if all would go smoothly.  However, we have one combine down and someone headed to Kansas for a part and the other one hasn't gotten in the field yet this morning either.  So, hopefully things can get rolling today by lunchtime!

Kylie is at church camp and I'm assuming having a wonderful time.  I get very short answers to my texts.
Me:  Doing ok?  Feeling ok?  Getting enough to eat?
Kylie: Yes to all.
So, I've decided to quit asking questions.  I figure no news is good news.
She will start her babysitting job here on Monday.  She will babysit a 2 year old little girl from 8-12 each day.

Kaitlyn is enjoying her new job.  She is doing backup secretarial work at Cimarron Acid and Frac.  It is a company here in Fairview that works with oil wells.

Darren is getting dirty being a farmhand.  He hurt his back a couple of days ago, but is wearing a back brace now which seems to get him by for now.  Hopefully it will heal soon.  I see him at meal times and bedtime and that is about it right now.

I am busy helping my mom cook and keep everyone going.

Darren and I are headed back to Cimarron this weekend for our garage sale and to finish up a few things.  Much of the house is packed already, but not completely yet. I got a lot done last week before I came down, but it seems like the more you get done and look around there is always more to go . . . it never seems to end! 

For those that don't know . . . Darren was offered the 5-12 vocal music position he applied for at the Christian School near Newton.  However, we prayed about it for a week and just didn't feel peace about it. (That is the short version.)  So, he turned it down.  We continue to pray and seek the Lord's guidance.

Our current plan is to get our house packed up and leave everything stored in it until the end of July when we are scheduled to close.  We are hopeful the Lord gives us direction by then to know where to go with our belongings.  We are living with my parents right now until after harvest and they can get the two trailer houses set up for us to live in at a farmstead across the section from my parents.  I am learning to be "flexible" which is a challenge for this Type A "planner" personality.  I have my good days and my bad days.  I feel like Peter stepping out of the boat and when I focus on the waves (uncertainties, fears, etc) I begin to sink, but when I focus on God, I feel peace.  That is my daily challenge.

Well, so much for my "quick" update . . . We appreciate your prayers and support of us on this journey.

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