Our Temporary Home - 2 trailers
The girls are staying in the one on the left (with the indoor cat "Precious") and Darren and I are in the one on the right. The barn you barely see in the left hand side of the photo is where we lock the outdoor cat "Tiger" for night so he doesn't get eaten by coyotes!
Kylie seems to be enjoying "farm life!" She's always up for an adventure!
The girls have opportunities to do things they wouldn't normally do - like ride 4-wheelers!
I thought it would be good to add some pictures this time . . . to give you a little taste of our life right now. Darren seems to be enjoying farm work. They are now into hay season and he is learning new things, like how to run a baler. He is sweating a lot in this humidity and comes home very tired each night. This is all good, except not very conducive to filling out applications and job hunting!
There are a few opportunities presenting themselves, so please pray for clear direction as he applies and we go through the process of discerning where God wants us. I think Darren might take a little time off soon to process and spend some time with the Lord. He doesn't have much "think" and "process" time with the current schedule. . . All the opportunities are very different - teaching music in a Christian school in Oklahoma, part-time worship/music pastor, or overseeing and coordinating worship teams in a college setting . . . all of these are part-time. So lots of details that would need to be worked out and come together for any of them.
We also found out today that the buyers of our house are completely approved and ready to set an earlier date than July 30 to close on our house in Cimarron. Therefore, we now need to figure out what to do with our belongings and where to go with them. We go to Idaho to meet with Darren's Spiritual Formation Group again July 13-19, so it will probably be soon after that.
Being here has allowed us to take part in some opportunities we wouldn't have had otherwise. As many of you know, Marissa Hiett, my cousin's daughter, is getting married July 5 here in Fairview. We've had the opportunity to get together and help put together programs, centerpieces, party favors, etc. What a privilege to be a part of this!
I've also had opportunities to help my mom do some cleaning and going through things. She is probably ready for me to leave already, but it is much easier to do these things with someone than alone! . . . I'm in clean out mode as I just went through my entire house and packed things up!
This is an adventure and it helps to look at it that way to make things more tolerable. We've had rainstorms recently and therefore found out that our trailer had leaks. So we've spent 2 nights catching water in bowls and trying to figure out where all the rain is leaking in. Cooking is a challenge. We usually do breakfast at the trailers, everyone has lunch together at my parents', and then supper varies. I only have minimal food and cooking items at the trailers, so it depends on what we're having. I am constantly transporting items and laundry back and forth. The trailers are across the section from my parents' house, which isn't that far as the crow flies (or as Darren drives on the 4-wheeler each day), but by car it is 2 1/2 miles each time. Invariably, we always need something at the other location . . . ugh. But we are starting to find a little bit of a routine.
The girls are doing well. Kaitlyn went up to Salina last weekend and spent the weekend with college friends. Kylie had a friend from the Enid area come visit last weekend as well. Two second cousins came in yesterday to spend some time on the farm prior to the wedding, so the next couple of weeks will be filled with family and events connected to the wedding on July 5th!
Thank you again for your support and most of all for your prayers. We are trying to be faithful to God's leading in our lives, but that doesn't mean that it is always easy. Some days are harder than others and we covet your prayers as we continue to process and seek the Lord's guidance for our future.