Hello once again! I know it is time for another blog post; however, no new blog post usually means no new news. We continue to "wait" on God's plan and timing.
Darren is continuing to work for Brook Strader, a farmer in the area. With the winter weather, he hasn't been getting in many hours and so he has been looking for another job. He has an opportunity to drive truck and haul hay to New Mexico, but he needs to pass his CDL test first. He attempted it once in Woodward, but didn't pass, which is not unusual. He passed the pre-trip inspection easily, but the parallel parking got him. Next time he will take a smaller truck and shorter trailer to try. Please keep him in your prayers as he is scheduled to take it again (this time in Enid) on February 3rd. Rumor has it that the lady working there won't pass men. We hope that is not true and he can pass this time.
Sherry continues to work at the Farm Service Agency. It has been quite hectic lately as farmers are trying to report their acres and sign up for the new farm bill. She is learning a lot and able to talk to her brother and father at a different level about farming these days!
Kaitlyn is finishing interterm at Tabor. She took a class called Marriage and Family and had to do an extensive Family Tree project. It was quite educational for her. She will have a hectic 2nd semester as she is going to be stage manager for the spring drama production and also will have band and choir tour.
Kylie continues at Fairview High School. She is looking forward to the National Youth Conference in April. Prom was scheduled that same weekend, but it was able to be changed to allow more youth to not have to make a choice between very two important events in their lives. That speaks highly for the school system here that they would be willing to do that for this event! She has started taking guitar lessons, which she enjoys.
Thanks for your continued interest in our lives as is shown by you reading this blog post. We appreciate all the prayers and support on our behalf as we continue on this journey. It isn't easy, but we want God to be glorified through it all. We know we will be able to use our experiences someday to minister to others.