Friday, July 25, 2014

July 25, 2014

We spent July 21-26 in Idaho with Darren's Spiritual Formation Group.  It was a much needed break for both of us.  The theme of the week was "Rest, Refuel, Re-think." We talked about what it means to live in the kingdom here on earth.

Then he said to them, “I can guarantee this truth: Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
We looked at this verse and what it means to become like little children.  When I thought of little children, it occurred to me that they are not afraid and don't have a care in the world if they are with someone they trust, like a parent.  I feel like God was asking me to trust Him in this way.  It is easy to tell other people that God will take care of them and not to worry, but do I really believe it?  
Stop Worrying - Matthew 6
25 “So I tell you to stop worrying about what you will eat, drink, or wear. Isn’t life more than food and the body more than clothes?
28 “And why worry about clothes? Notice how the flowers grow in the field. They never work or spin yarn for clothes. 29 But I say that not even Solomon in all his majesty was dressed like one of these flowers. 
33 But first, be concerned about his kingdom and what has his approval. Then all these things will be provided for you. 34 “So don’t ever worry about tomorrow. After all, tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
As I was contemplating these thoughts, I looked down beside me and here were all these wild daisies growing.  I felt like it was a reminder from God telling me not to worry.
We are still in "Wait" mode. I didn't realize how much I would need to trust God at the retreat when I had my daisy/lily encounter.  But yesterday we received word that the church with the part-time music/worship pastor position decided to go with another candidate.  This will most likely take the college position of Director of Contemporary Christian Music out as well, as they were connected. Darren contacted the Christian high school who had offered him a position to see if they had finalized anything and they had given the position to a part-time person in the meantime.  So, we are back to square one. It is a little scary only weeks away from school starting, but we are trusting that God has a plan.  Darren got another inquiry call last night about a position.  I have my doubts if that one will go anywhere, but it was a reminder that God hasn't forgotten us and can bring things "out of the blue."  He is working in ways we are not aware of and cannot see.  So, we continue to trust.  The song "You Are God Alone" keeps going through my head this morning.  "You are God alone, in the good times and bad, You are on the throne, You are God alone." So, we continue to trust and wait.
We moved out of our house on Monday, July 21st, and closed on Tuesday, July 22nd.  It was a relief, yet sad to say goodbye to our house that we loved.
Our belongings are now here on the farm in the trailer waiting a destination, along with us! Another prayer request if for our belongings in the truck.  We have been unable to insure them due to the "mobility" and unconventional way of storing them.  Companies are used to storage facilities in cities.  This is "outside the box" and we have been unable to find affordable coverage, so we are trusting the Lord to protect and watch over them.
Kylie is getting anxious to know where she is going to school next year.  She doesn't even know how to answer people anymore when they ask, so her latest answer is, "I'm taking a year off!"  She is almost finished with her summer babysitting job.  August 1st is her last day to watch little Brinley.
Please especially keep her in your prayers, as this is most unsettling for her.  Kaitlyn knows where she is going.  In a few weeks, her life will be "back to normal."  For Kylie, it is still unknown and with school supplies out and activities starting, it puts pressure on knowing what she is going to do. 

 Our trip to Idaho was rather eventful with airline travel.  We had two unexpected overnights, courtesy of United Airlines.  On our trip home, we boarded our first plane twice in Spokane, due to maintenance issues and three times the following day in Denver, due to maintenance issues.  It was to the point of ridiculously funny anymore, along with incredibly frustrating.  But, God took care of us and reminded us along the way that He is still working out the details for us.  

Our last day in Idaho, we took a drive into Montana to see some big cedar trees and beautiful falls.  There was a swinging bridge over the river with the falls.  

Our lives feel a little like we are walking along this bridge right now.  Our footing seems uncertain and the water below (current situation) looks threatening and scary.  It is uncomfortable walking across, but we are fixing our eyes on God and knowing He is the bridge to safely carry us to the other side.  

"I will never leave you nor forsake you," Hebrews 13:5

We appreciate your continued prayers on our behalf as we walk this journey.



Friday, July 11, 2014

July 11, 2014

 Kelyn & Marissa (Hiett) Vix's wedding was held here in Fairview on July 5th.  For those of you that don't know, Marissa is the daughter of Marlin & Michelle (Sherry's cousin) Hiett who used to be the pastor at Valleyview.  Marissa was born in Dodge City! Marlin is now the pastor of Sherry's home church here in Fairview.  

It was fun to be around here for the wedding and take part in lots of wedding preparations and activities.  We had LOTS of family come for the wedding and they were around for about a week prior to and after the wedding.  So we have had LOTS and LOTS of family gatherings in the last two weeks!
Kylie with the Bride & Groom!

Kaitlyn & Kylie were gift carriers.
Kaitlyn with Cousin Lacey Lott.
Kelyn and Marissa left the reception riding into the sunset on horseback!

Darren and Sherry on their 24th anniversary.  Our anniversary was spent with family this year, as we had a family gathering/picnic out on a farm near Fairview.  They had this caboose all refurbished.

The girls enjoying the food. On the right is Johanna (Marlin  & Michelle's exchange student from Denmark) and Mandi Hiett, Kylie.  On the left is Johanna's sister, Kaitlyn, and Lacey Lott.
Kaitlyn & Kylie headed to the caboose.

Micah & Leanne Hiett enjoying the food!
 Kevin (as named by the girls) is a cardinal that lives by our trailers and constantly pecks at the windows.  He must see his reflection in the window and think it is another bird.  He is a beautiful bird, but gets annoying at times!

Tiger had his first mishap on the farm.  We don't know what happened and if you haven't seen him before perhaps can't see the swelling in his face and chin.  We came home one night and he was bleeding around his left eye and was puffed up.  It lasted about 24-48 hours.  We are guessing he perhaps tangled with a bullsnake, but we really don't know.  We are thankful he appears to be okay.

House - We are now scheduled to close on our house on Tuesday, July 22nd.  We will come to Cimarron on Sunday evening, July 20th and have borrowed a semi-trailer that we will load our belongings into on Monday, July 21st.  A pastor friend (Carey Gosen) called us and had this trailer that we could use.  What a blessing from the Lord!  A shout out to Wayne Bartel who is going up to Oberlin, Kansas, to pick it up for us.  Thank you, Wayne! We will be able to leave our stuff in the trailer until we have a place to go with it.  So we will bring it down here to Fairview until then.

Job - Things are happening on the job front, but nothing clear yet.  Darren had two contacts this week from churches looking for lead pastors.  However, we have concluded that he will not consider a lead position at this time.  He has also been called about being a band teacher and offered a position at a Christian School here in Oklahoma as a Music Teacher with other duties.  The "other duties" side of it is not very inviting and so he is not ready to give them an answer until he hears back on the worship/music pastor position and Director of Contemporary Church Music position at the college.  So, we are once again in "wait" mode.  But we are thankful there are options out there.  It is hard to say "no" and be patient for the "right" one as we are doing our best to follow God's leading.

Darren is doing much better after having over a month break from ministry.  I am starting to see his jovial personality return.  He is more lighthearted and motivated. We go to Idaho next week to meet with his Spiritual Formation group, which is where the recognition that he needed a change began last summer.

The girls are doing well.  Kaitlyn has two friends from college here for the weekend.  She made up a spoof flyer for them about "Camp KJ" giving them information about their amenities before their stay! They will have a great time, I'm sure.  Tonight they plan to ride 4-wheelers and have a bonfire.  Tomorrow they are going to get a plane ride from one of their classmates that live here.  Right now they are touring the farm!
Tiffany Huxman (Kaitlyn's future roommate) on the left and Courtney Reed (Kaitlyn's past roommate) on the right.

Kylie is getting rather anxious to know where she is going to go to school next year.  She's had a great attitude, but as time goes on it gets harder and harder to wait.  She misses her job at Clark's and her friends in Cimarron. . .

We continue to appreciate your support and prayers on our behalf.  The next few weeks will be crucial as we make decisions and figure out where we are going to plant ourselves in August.  We are trusting our Sovereign Lord in His leading and timing and doing our best to be patient and take one day at a time.
